Item Coversheet


NO. 189

A Resolution authorizing a contract with Kusters Zima Corporation in a not to exceed amount of $314,621.00, plus pre-authorized shipping.


Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:


The City Manager is authorized to execute Contract No. 2016-003C with Kusters Zima Corporation in the not to exceed amount of $314,621.00, plus pre-authorized shipping, which will be paid from BU/Account 590.24.6590.972.020.  

I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on August 4, 2015.

Victoria Houser

Battle Creek City Commission
Action Summary

Staff Member: Christine Huff 
A Resolution authorizing a contract with Kusters Zima Corporation in a not to exceed amount of $314,621.00, plus pre-authorized shipping.
The amount of $314,621.00 plus shipping will be paid from BU/Account 590.24.6590.972.020.

Resolution 63 dated 1/14/2014 authorized contract #2014-029B for a mechanically cleaned filter screen for the Wastewater Treatment Plant’s (WWTP) Headworks facility, in the amount of $163,405.00.  This contract was the result of a competitive bid process, which allowed for two different brands of screen

The screen purchased under this contract was one of three screens used to separate solid objects coming into the start of the WWTP from the sewer transmission main.  The previous screen and the remaining two screens tend to clog up and often break down including having teeth that break off, which cause damage to processing pumps and other equipment.  

The screen purchased from Kusters has newer technology and has surpassed expectation.  Therefore the Department of Public Works would like to purchase the second replacement screen for the 2015/2016 Fiscal year and then would like to purchase the third and final screen replacement for the 2016/2017 Fiscal year.  Cost for the screen for the first year will be $153,026.00 to be paid from the BU/Account 590.24.6590.972.020.  The cost of the screen to be ordered next year is $161,595.00, bringing the total purchase to $314,621.00.

The City’s Administrative Code allows for purchases outside of the bidding process if it is in our best interest to do so, but it requires City Commission approval if over $50,000.  I believe the WWTP managerial staff have done an excellent job making the case for this brand specific purchase, having trialed the screen for a year before replacing the 2nd and 3rd screens.  It is in our best interest to have a consistent brand of screen for all of these processes, so I am therefore recommending this contract.

As Rich Beardslee explains in the attached memo, the cost savings are due to shop drawing having already been made with the original purchase and no additional cost to the vendor for rebidding



File NameDescription
Memo_for_Head_Works_Fine_Screen_2015.docxRich Beardslee memo