Part of Xelpho Park according to the Plat
of Park Beidler recorded in liber 1 of Plats,
on Page 43, in the Office of the Register of
Deeds for Calhoun County, Michigan, more
particularly described as beginning at point
on easterly line of Sylvan St. distance 12 ft.
southerly of the SW corner of lot 110 of said
plat; thence easterly parallel with the
southerly line of said lot 110 distance of 82.5
ft. to a point on the southerly ext. of the
easterly line of said Lot 110; thence southerly
along said ext. to the N line of Lot 115 of said
plat; thence SW along the N line of Lots
115, 116 and 117 of said plat to a point dis-
tance 45 ft. NE of NW corner of lot 118, said
NW corner situated on the E line of Sylvan
St. according to said plat; thence NW the
point of beginning. (1/2 of Parcel #6460-
11-519-1 Sylvan St.)