Item Coversheet


NO. 201

A Resolution authorizing the sale of vacant, tax-reverted vacant parcels.


Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:


The City Manager is authorized to execute quit claim deeds to vacant, city-owned, tax reverted properties in accordance with the following schedule:


Sale Price                Legal Description                                               Purchaser


$217.00   Motts Add N 50 Ft. of Lot 26

  (Parcel #5650-00-076-0 Elm St.)

  Gena L. Reed

  70 Mary Street

  Battle Creek, MI 49014



 Walters Add W 33 Ft. of Lot 93 & E 16.5 

 Ft. of Lot 94, also W 49.5 ft. of E 82 ft. of

 Lot 122 (Parcel #8810-00-105-0 Seedorf St.)


 Kimberly Ruby-Ann Thomas

 2425 Outlook Street

 Kalamazoo, MI 49001


Part of Xelpho Park according to the Plat

of Park Beidler recorded in liber 1 of Plats,

on Page 43, in the Office of the Register of

Deeds for Calhoun County, Michigan, more

particularly described as beginning at point

on easterly line of Sylvan St. distance 12 ft.

southerly of the SW corner of lot 110 of said

plat; thence easterly parallel with the

southerly line of said lot 110 distance of 82.5

ft. to a point on the southerly ext. of the  

easterly line of said Lot 110; thence southerly

along said ext. to the N line of Lot 115 of said

plat; thence SW along the N line of Lots

115, 116 and 117 of said plat to a point dis-

tance 45 ft. NE of NW corner of lot 118, said

NW corner situated on the E line of Sylvan

St. according to said plat; thence NW the

point of beginning. (1/2 of Parcel #6460-

11-519-1 Sylvan St.)


  Susan Nicole Moore

  17 Sylvan Street

  Battle Creek, MI 49015


Part of Zelpho Park according to the Plat of

Park Beidler recorded in Liber 1 of Plats, on

Page 43, in the Office of the Register of

Deeds for Calhoun County, Michigan, more

particularly described as beginning at the NW

corner of Lot 118 according to said Plat of

Park Beidler, said point situated on the

easterly line of Sylvan St. according to said

plat; thence NE along the N line of Lot 118

and 117 of said plat a distance of 45 ft.;

thence northwesterly to a point on the said

easterly line of Sylvan St. distance 12 ft. S

of SW corner of Lot 110 of said plat; thence

S along the E line of the Sylvan St. to the 

point of beginning. (1/2 of Parcel #6460-

11-519-1 Sylvan St.)

  Judy McMillon

  10691 D Drive N.

  Cresco, MI 49033



I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on September 1, 2015.

Victoria Houser

Battle Creek City Commission
Action Summary

Staff Member: Leona A. Parrish, Administrative Assist. 
A Resolution authorizing the sale of vacant, tax-reverted vacant parcels.

The sale of city-owned properties will alleviate the City of Battle Creek from having to pay the taxes or maintain the properties and would place the property back into productive use.  The sale price typically only covers staff time in the handling from the sale and deed recording fees.



The Department of Planning and Community Development is charged with managing the sale of vacant, city-owned tax-reverted properties.  This is accomplished both by periodic solicitation of interest through mailings to adjacent property owners, or unsolicited contacts, generally from the adjacent property owners.


By way of Resolution No. 308, approved by the City Commission on August 8, 2000, the procedures for the sale of tax reverted properties were provided to staff in the "Administrative Policy on the Acquisition, Disposition and Inventory of City of Battle Creek owned Real Property".  These procedures provided the sale price and terms of sale for these properties.  For example, a residentially-zoned vacant lot is offered for $200, commercially-zoned properties are offered for $300, and industrially-zoned are sold for $500, plus the cost of recording the deed with the Calhoun County Register of Deeds (Currently $17.00 for 2 pages).



All of the properties noted on this resolution are vacant city owned parcels with each being proposed for sale to the adjacent property owner with exception of the Seedorf St. parcel.  None of the purchasers have delinquent taxes or outstanding code violations.  The sale of these parcels have been reviewed by the City of Battle Creek Department of Public Works and has been found to have no apparent conflict with any new or proposed infrastructure or utilities.


The Elm Street parcel #5650-00-076-0 was offered to the owner of 70 Mary Street as they are an adjacent property owner who had made an inquiry to purchase this vacant city lot; the other adjacent property owner owe back taxes; therefore are not eligible to purchase this city owned vacant lot.


The Sylvan Street parcel #6460-11-519-1 is to be split equally between both adjacent property owners, as they had both inquired to purchase and are eligible to purchase having no code violations or unpaid property taxes due. (Note both adjacent owners at 17 & 29 Sylvan are new owners.)


The Seedorf Street parcel #8810-00-105-0 is to be sold to Ms. Kimberly Ruby-Ann Thomas who had inquired to purchase this vacant parcel that is adjacent to a County owned parcel and property owned by Ms. Thomas mother, Jewell Ann Thomas which is on the corner of Seedorf Street and Washington Avenue.  States her and her mother plan to build new homes on their lots and has contacted the Calhoun County Land Bank to also purchase their adjacent lot. Note the adjacent owner at 28 Seedorf St. have code violations, therefore are not eligible to purchase the city vacant lot; the other adjacent owner is the Calhoun County property that Ms. Thomas is negotiating to purchase from the County. 

File NameDescription
Elm_St._Aerial_Map.pdfElm St. City Lot Aerial Map
Seedorf_St._Aerial_Map.pdfSeedorf St. City Lot Aerial Map
Sylvan_St._Aerial_Map_to_17_Sylvan_owner..pdfSylvan St. Aerial Map (Sell to 17 Sylvan)
Sylvan_St._Aerial_Map_to_29_Sylvan_owner.pdfSylvan St. Aerial Map (Sell To 29 Sylvan)