Item Coversheet


NO. 142

A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Grant Agreement for election equipment with the State of Michigan under the Help America Vote Act.


Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:


That the City of Battle Creek wishes to apply to the Secretary of State for a grant to purchase a new voting system, which includes precinct tabulators, Absent Voter Counting Board (AVCB) tabulators, accessible voting devices for use by individuals with disabilities, and related Election Management System (EMS) software.


Partial funding for the new voting system will be provided by the State, and will include a combination of Federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and State-appropriated funds.  Local funding obligations are detailed in the attached quote for Dominion Voting Equipment from vendor Election Source.


The City of Battle Creek plans to begin implementation of the new voting system in 2017.


The City Manager is authorized to submit a Grant Agreement with the state of Michigan on behalf of the City of Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan in a form which has been approved by the City Attorney.


I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on June 20, 2017.

Victoria Houser

Battle Creek City Commission
Action Summary

Staff Member: Jill Humphreys Steele, City Attorney 
Department:City Attorney 
A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Grant Agreement for election equipment with the State of Michigan under the Help America Vote Act.


The initial expense to the City would be $9,538.40 for General Equipment, which will be paid from Budget: 101.12.2120.972.020.


In years six through ten, the City will be obligated to pay Equipment Maintenance in the amount of $14,822.34 per year to be paid from Budget: 101.12.2120.931.080.


The Grant Agreement  is to establish a grant program to use State-appropriated and Federal HAVA funds to acquire and implement replacement voting systems throughout the state. Under this HAVA grant, each county, with the involvement of the local jurisdictions within the county, select one Contractor for the entire county and develop a countywide implementation plan to replace its voting systems. Calhoun County has selected Election Source as the vendor.


This grant program only covers the acquisition and implementation of the voting  system selected by the Calhoun County clerk, and the individual voting system components which will be funded utilizing available State-appropriated and Federal HAVA funds.


State-appropriated  and Federal HAVA funding provided via this Grant Agreement covers the purchase of the voting system, the software license fee for the EMS software for the full 10-year contract term, and the initial service and maintenance period for all components (which covers the acquisition year, plus 4 additional years). The Master Contract includes an extended service and maintenance period beyond the initial service and maintenance period, for an additional five-year period. Costs for the extended service and maintenance period and other additional costs, if any, are the sole responsibility of the City, which will be $14,822.34 per year beginning in year six.



The City Clerk is in support of this resolution.

File NameDescription
Local_Costs_with_BC_Totals_2.pdfSpreadsheet with Local Costs