Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:
The Urban Cooperation Act of 1967, MCL 124.501 et seq., allows a local governmental unit such as the City, and a Public Agency, such as the Calhoun County Consolidated Dispatch Authority (Authority) to enter into interlocal agreements with one another to provide for cooperation between and among such entities.
When the Authority consolidation occurred, the City agreed to allow the Authority the use of a room in the Battle Creek Police Department (BCPD) to be used as a Backup 911 Center; and
The City has a new Police Department under construction and the current BCPD will be demolished once the new Police Department building is complete and occupied by BCPD, thus it will be necessary to relocate the Backup 911 Center. The Authority has concluded that the City’s Fire Station 1 would be the best location for the new Backup 911 Center because it has available space that can be dedicated solely to dispatch use; it is a municipal building with generator backup power; it is an appropriate distance away from the current Authority Dispatch Center in Marshall and its location is in close proximity to a tower site for connection; and
The City is amenable to accommodating the Authority’s request since it provides a public purpose and benefits the residents and visitors of the City of Battle Creek, but there are certain modifications that must be made in order for the Backup 911 Center to be able to be relocated and operational at BCPD Fire Station 1, which is located at 195 E Michigan Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan 49014; and
The Authority has agreed to be responsible for the cost of the necessary modifications.
NOW THEREFORE the City Manager is authorized to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Authority in a form substantially similar to the attached in order to provide for a Backup 911 Center on City property and to carry out its terms.
I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on May 15, 2018.

Victoria Houser