Item Coversheet


NO. 171

A Resolution approving the 2018 Millage Rates and adopting the General Fund and Special Funds Budgets for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019.


Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:


That proper notice has been given and public hearings conducted on the fiscal year 2018-2019 budgets, and a millage rate of 15.749 is approved to be levied for fiscal year 2018-2019 in the amounts and for the purposes listed below:


Actual Proposed INCREASE/
LEVY 2017-2018 2018-2019 (DECREASE)
OPERATING 8.740 8.346 (0.394)
POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT 5.009 5.403 0.394
TOTALS 15.749 15.749 0.000


The General Fund and Special Funds Budgets, as submitted to the City Commission by the City Manager for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 are adopted in the form and amounts stated below and as shown in the attached general fund budget by activity, and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019 for planning purposes only:


Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2018-2019 2019-2020
Adopted Budget Planning Budget
General Fund (101)
Revenue and Transfers In $50,653,045 $51,666,106
Expenditures and Transfers Out $50,653,045 $51,666,106
Youth Center Endowment Fund (155)
Revenue and Transfers In $0 N/A
Fund Balance – Increase $0
Kellogg Arena Endowment Fund (156)
Revenue and Transfers In $0 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $15,000
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($15,000)
Expendable Trust Fund (192)
Revenue and Transfers In $64,000 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $82,065
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($18,065)
Major Streets and Trunklines Fund (202)
Revenue and Transfers In $6,188,500 $6,312,270
Expenditures and Transfers Out $7,140,946 $6,312,270
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($952,446)
Local Streets Fund (203)
Revenue and Transfers In $3,535,500 $3,802,928
Expenditures and Transfers Out $3,728,361 $3,802,928
Fund Balance – (Decrease) ($192,861)
Building Inspection Fund (249)
Revenue and Transfers In $537,775 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $839,989
Fund Balance – (Decrease) ($302,214)
Narcotics Forfeiture Fund (265)
Revenue and Transfers In $155,800 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $102,634
Fund Balance – Increase $53,166
Michigan Justice Training Fund (270)
Revenue and Transfers In $18,400 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $21,039
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($2,639)
Kellogg Arena (Fund 296)
Revenue and Transfers In $1,786,764 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $1,782,993
Fund Balance – Increase $3,771
Public Works Facility Bond Redemption Fund (352)
Revenue and Transfers In $762,188 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $762,188
1992 Justice Center Bond Redemption Fund (353)
Revenue and Transfers In $599,463 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $599,463
Energy Savings IPA Fund (354)
Revenue and Transfers In $383,320 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $383,320
Major and Local Streets Capital Projects Funds (402 and 403)
Revenue and Transfers In $2,353,524 $2,703,593
Expenditures and Transfers Out $2,454,529 $2,703,593
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($101,005)
WK Kellogg Airport Fund (580)
Revenue and Transfers In $1,844,579 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $1,814,564
Fund Balance – Increase $30,015
FAA Hangar Fund (583)
Revenue and Transfers In $404,400 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $1,195,577
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($791,177)
Auto Parking System Fund (585)
Revenue and Transfers In $1,139,600 $1,216,501
Expenditures and Transfers Out $1,192,648 $1,216,501
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($53,048)
Battle Creek Transit Fund (588)
Revenue and Transfers In $3,775,313 $3,926,326
Expenditures and Transfers Out $4,385,671 $4,473,384
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($610,358) ($102,109)
Sewer Fund (590 Operations)
Revenue and Transfers In $18,121,300 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $16,130,288
Fund Balance - Increase $1,991,012
Water Fund (591 Operations)
Revenue and Transfers In $9,001,900 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $6,573,516
Fund Balance - Increase $2,428,384
Solid Waste Collection Fund (596)
Revenue and Transfers In $3,615,000 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $3,520,804
Fund Balance - Increase $94,196
Economic Development Fund (599)
Revenue and Transfers In $554,302 N/A
Expenditures and Transfers Out $551,143
Fund Balance - Increase $3,159
Equipment Center Fund (641)
Revenue and Transfers In $7,157,807 $7,372,541
Expenditures and Transfers Out $9,003,652 $9,093,689
Fund Balance – (Decrease) ($1,845,845) ($1,721,148)
Self-Insurance Fund (642)
Revenue and Transfers In $16,006,162 $16,326,285
Expenditures and Transfers Out $15,543,526 $15,859,497
Fund Balance - Increase $462,636 $466,788
Information Technology Fund (671)
Revenue and Transfers In $2,080,139 $2,100,940
Expenditures and Transfers Out $2,188,843 $2,100,940
Fund Balance - Increase  ($108,704)  
Reproduction Fund (681)
Revenue and Transfers In $364,754 $409,066
Expenditures and Transfers Out $401,045 $409,066
Fund Balance - (Decrease) ($36,291)


N/A signifies funds that are not a part of the 5 Year Financial Projections.


The City Manager is authorized to administer the Battle Creek Budget in accordance with the following budget policy:




The Battle Creek Budget incorporates citizen input and community-wide strategic planning.  In addition, the principles of Priority Based Budgeting will guide future budgets in examining priority programs and services against available revenue.  The City administration is challenged to improve operating efficiency and responsiveness, and provide services at acceptable levels in exchange for greater authority and flexibility.


Specific components of the Battle Creek Budget are as follows:


The City Manager has prepared this recommended annual budget that considers current service levels, input from the community-wide strategic planning process, the City Commision goal setting process and priorities that reflect the changing needs of the community.


The City Manager is accountable and responsible for providing services at acceptable levels within the total net appropriation.  ("Net appropriation" is defined as expenditures minus related assigned revenue budget).  Any significant change in service levels requires the approval of the City Commission.


All appropriations are made on a fund basis, with details by activity for the General Fund appropriation.


The City Manager is authorized to assign and transfer budgets within the fund that do not increase total fund net appropriations.


The City Manager is authorized to approve staffing reclassifications and staffing levels that do not increase net appropriations.


The City Manager is authorized to transfer approved program appropriations and encumbrance balances resulting from the City's year-end audit, and which reflect a carry forward between fiscal periods.


The City Manager may establish the necessary appropriation budget by increasing the total fund appropriation for donations, grants received, additional confiscated monies, insurance proceeds, and miscellaneous cash which are received for various purposes.


Based on the most recent audited financial information, any amount of General Fund undesignated, unreserved fund balance in excess of fifteen percent of total General Fund revenues may be transferred to the General Capital Improvement Fund.


FOOTNOTE:  The City Manager may delegate authority for certain administrative functions as provided in Chapter 5 of the City Charter.


I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on June 5, 2018.

Victoria Houser

Battle Creek City Commission
Action Summary

Staff Member: Bradley C. Waite, Budget Officer 
A Resolution approving the 2018 Millage Rates and adopting the General Fund and Special Funds Budgets for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019.


On May 3, 2018, the City Commission held a budget workshop to discuss the proposed 2018-2019 general fund and special funds budgets.  The attached detail of general fund activities is as presented at that workshop.  A public hearing was held on May 15, 2018 to receive public comment and input on the proposed 2018-2019 budgets.


File NameDescription
General_Fund_Budget_by_Activity_2018-2019.pdfGeneral Fund Budget by Activity 2018-2019