Item Coversheet


NO. 169

A Resolution to adopt Ordinance 06-2018 amending the City Code by adding a Section 8, "Retail Fraud," to Chapter 656, Offenses Related to Property.


Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:


That the following sections are adopted:


Section 1. An ordinance to add Section 8, "Retail Fraud," to Chapter 656, Offenses Related to Property, and amending Section 01, to add a definition for "store," and amending Section 99 Penalty, as are attached and made a part hereof.


Section 2. Should any section, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid.


Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed, saving any prosecution, criminal or administrative appeal pending on, or violation cited on or before the effective date of this ordinance, which shall remain subject to the ordinance provision existing at the time of the alleged violation.


Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days from the date of its adoption, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.3(B) of Chapter 4 of the City Charter.

I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on June 5, 2018.

Victoria Houser

Battle Creek City Commission
Action Summary

Staff Member: Jill Humphreys Steele, City Attorney 
Department:City Attorney 
A Resolution to adopt Ordinance 06-2018 amending the City Code by adding a Section 8, "Retail Fraud," to Chapter 656, Offenses Related to Property.

There are no direct budget considerations.


If there is any budgetary impact, adoption of this ordinance will have a net positive effect as the city will handle prosecution of such offenses and thereby receive a portion of the fines and costs paid to the court.


The amendment to Chapter 656 of the City of Battle Creek’s ordinances, governing offenses related to property, will address a gap in the City’s misdemeanor prohibitions against theft.  Currently, the City prohibits larceny in general, but lacks a specific ordinance prohibiting shoplifting, also known as retail fraud.  As a consequence, BCPD officers must arrest and lodge the suspect and seek prosecution under the state statute via the Calhoun County Prosecutor’s Office.  Most other municipalities have adopted an ordinance that prohibits retail fraud, and adoption of this ordinance will put the City of Battle Creek among them.  


Adoption of this ordinance amendment would minimize the time the officer is tied up with this type of call.  The retail fraud cases that are currently charged under state statute are not prosecuted by the city attorney’s office and thus no portion of the fines and costs paid to the court are remitted to the City.  Adopting this ordinance will allow the City of Battle Creek to both prosecute these offenses and also recover some of the cost for doing so.


Police Chief Blocker requested this Ordinance Amendment. The City Attorney's office is also in support of its introduction and adoption.

File NameDescription
CHAPTER_656_Section_08_Retail_Fraud_5.8.18.docxRetail Fraud Added Section 08 to Chapter 656