Resolution # 3 dated November 15, 2016, authorized a cooperative purchasing contract with HGACBuy for the purpose of buying a new fire engine. The Fire Department is now in need of a new fire engine to replace aging fleet and requests to purchase a new fire engine using this contract.
The proposal was submitted to the Fire Chief Brian Sturdivant directly. Chief Sturdivant has reviewed the proposal, and specifications and recommends to purchase a new fire engine from CSI Emergency Apparatus, LLC, using the HGACBuy contract. The attached memo from the Fire Chief details more about the purchase and recommendation.
HGACBuy contracts have been established through a public competitive sealed bidding process and used by municipalities to purchase large dollar assets that are complicated and have detailed specifications. In this case, the Fire Department is requesting to use the HGACBuy contract and purchase a new fire engine from CSI Emergency Apparatus, LLC.
I concur with the department's recommendations that contract award to this firm would be in the best interest of the City of Battle Creek.