Item Coversheet


NO. 21

A Resolution accepting the proposal of best value for Banking Services from Comerica Bank in an estimated five-year amount of $163,197.25, with unit prices prevailing.


Resolved by the Commission of the City of Battle Creek:


The proposal of best value for Banking Services is accepted from Comerica Bank in an estimated five-year amount of $163,197.25, with unit prices prevailing. The City Manager is authorized to execute Contract No. 2020-001R, and all amendments, which will be paid from 101.00.1101.664.020.

I, Victoria Houser, City Clerk of the City of Battle Creek, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Battle Creek City Commission at a Regular meeting held on December 17, 2019.

Victoria Houser

Battle Creek City Commission
Action Summary

Staff Member: Christine Huff, Purchasing Agent 

A Resolution accepting the proposal of best value for Banking Services from Comerica Bank in an estimated five-year amount of $163,197.25, with unit prices prevailing.


The solicitation was issued October 16, 2019, seeking proposals from banking institutions to provide the City’s banking services, with a term of up to nine years

Copies of the RFP were provided to ten banks.  In addition, an advertisement was placed on the City’s website. The deadline for questions was November 5, 2019, and the proposals were due on November 14, 2019.

The proposals received were as follows:

Chemical Bank
Huntington Bank
Comerica Bank
Old National
Southern Michigan Bank

The selection committee was comprised of: Linda Morrison, Finance Director; Tammy Giannunzio, City Treasurer; and Kourtney Matuschka, Finance Officer.

Prior to meeting with the whole committee, each committee member individually rated each bank.  The committee then met on November 25, 2019, to rate the banks based on the pre-established (and published in the RFP) selection criteria.  

Areas being rated were, in this order of importance:  products and services (100 points), work plan (50 points), fees (25 points), qualifications and experience (25).  The banks ranked as follows, out of 200 possible points: During the meeting, the committee discussed their own individual scores to come up with these consensus rankings:

192 Comerica Bank
153 Huntington Bank
138 Chemical Bank
135 Southern Michigan Bank
130 Old National Bank

With banking services being fairly straight-forward, the wide difference between highest score and other banks, and that Comerica was known to staff as the incumbent, the committee did not think that interviews were necessary.  We stated in the RFP that interviews may not be necessary. The committee voted unanimously to award the contract to Comerica Bank.

I was present at all meetings and discussions and support the committee’s ranking of the banks as unbiased and in the best interest of the City of Battle Creek, and recommend contract award to Comerica Bank for an initial term of five years, with optional two 2-year renewals.



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Morrison_memo.pdfdept support memo